Tuesday 21 February 2017

Testimonial from a very happy mother

At around the age of 4, my youngest son started developing signs of Asthma in certain circumstances. Sadly, these circumstances included the fact that any problem would go to his chest.  He has had allergies and Eczema from infancy and the doctor said this was to be expected.
When spring came and with it the various pollens, he wheezed almost all the time unless on antihistamine medicine. During the summer, the heat and the dust would bring on the same symptoms and the once regular trips to a local open farm were stopped due to his reaction to the animals.
Finally, when he was prescribed inhalers by the doctor, I insisted in him seeing a paediatrician.
Whilst waiting for the appointment, I spoke to Debbie about his problem. She agreed to take on his case. She asked many in depth questions and made her decisions about his treatment. She was confident she could help him.
That was in March of this year (2006.)
It is now September. He has had no need to touch the medicines prescribed by the paediatrician, (who did know I was treating him homoeopathically and was fine about it).
But added to all this is the other things that have improved for him.
He used to sniff all the time due to large amounts of mucous, which was starting to drive me mad. This has now stopped completely. He is calmer in himself and more ready to listen. He eats better than he had been doing and he sleeps longer too. He seems more tolerant of raw eggs, which before he could not touch at all without coming out in a rash.
I am amazed and thrilled by the results of his treatment. No-one likes to see their child in discomfort or with seemingly endless illnesses. Neither would we choose to have them on medication if it is not necessary.
Debbie’s consultations are always carried out with the utmost care and in a calm and professional way.
I would not hesitate in recommending her to anyone. It is with grateful thanks that I write this, on behalf of my little boy and the whole family.

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